Varza de Bruxelles mereu îmi aduce aminte de perioada în care eram copil și mă uitam la desene animate. Toată lumea o ura!! 😂
Eu nu sunt de aceeași părere, dacă găsești un mod bun de a o prepara și dacă o combini cu ce trebuie, este delicioasă!
Category: Chicken
Nu știu preferințele voastre, dar eu ador lămâia în mâncare! 😍
I made chicken soup and it was a real success! There was nothing left on the plates! 🤍
A healthy salad, easy to prepare and absolutely delicious.
You have to try this recipe! It’s quick to make and absolutely delicious! 🤍
I started the freezer emptying process and found several bags of frozen vegetables, and one of them ended up in this recipe. ✨
Here in Gorj, we eat stuffed cabbage rolls with polenta! How about where you’re from? 🤩
Am I wrong to say it’s one of the most loved dishes? 😅